Canada Immigration Client Form

Do you have a valid identity document (select all that apply)


Highest Educational Qualification

What's your current employment status?

How many years of work experience do you have?

Marital Status

What's your spouse's or partner's highest educational qualification?

What's your Spouse's current employment status?

How many years of work experience does your Spouse have?

Do you have children?

How many children?

Have you ever being denied visa into Canada or any other country?

Have you ever being granted visa into Canada?

If you answered 'Yes' above, please indicate the reason(s) for your entry

Do you currently have a family or relative in Canada?

What Province / Territory would you like to stay in Canada?

Why are you applying to immigrate to Canada?

Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

What's your preferred language of communication?

Approximately when are you planning to arrive Canada?

Do you have Landed Property or Real Estate?

What's your preferred means of communication? (select all that apply)

Do you have any other information to share or a specific question?

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